Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Green Movement and Automotive Culture

What's up everybody?

The green movement is something that has taken American culture and the rest of the world by storm. Almost every type of industry out there has been affected by it and the automotive industry is definitely one of them. Most, if not all, car manufacturers nowadays have a "green," more environmentally friendly car. Whether it is an electric, diesel, or hybrid vehicle every manufacturer has something for the green consumers. Examples of these types of cars are: 

Volkswagen Golf TDI (Diesel vehicle)

Tesla Roadster (Electric vehicle)

Toyota Prius (Hybrid vehicle)

Another option for environmentally friendly vehicles is going to be hydrogen powered vehicles and it wont be long before they are on the road. One of the first manufactures to release a hydrogen powered car is going to be BMW.

The only problem that i am foretelling with hydrogen powered vehicles is that they are going to be really expensive when they first hit the market.

That's all for today folks. Check back for updates!


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