Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello to my fellow automotive enthusiasts (and to my fellow ENC1102 students),

This is the beginning of a long journey on the road to more knowledge about automobiles. The old, the current, and the upcoming. Everything you want or need to know about cars will be able on this blog. You will be able to find topics such as car specifications and comparisons to their competition, culture such as American Muscle, Import Tuners, or European Exotics, and updates on soon-to-be-released cars and concept cars.

Since this is my first post let's get the introductions out of the way. My name is Miguel A. Potolicchio and i am a college freshmen at Florida State University studying Biological Sciences. My goal is to go to medical school and become a surgeon. The reason i decided to create this blog on automobiles is because even though i have wanted to be a doctor since i was a little boy, i have been around cars my entire life and i love them. My father used to race and represent Porsche in Venezuela and for those of you who are wondering...yes, my favorite car manufacturer is Porsche.

Thank you for reading my first post, check back for updates!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Miguel - talking about cars is fine, but you want to make sure you are critiquing something! This means looking at car/automotive culture in America - you could talk about car commercials and critique them, or car shows, or car magazines! There is a lot out there - so you want to narrow it down soon. You could ask questions like, What kind of values/messages do most car commercials promote? Who are the target audiences for most car commercials? Which types of cars do they try to sell to men, versus women?
