Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Origin of the Automobile

The origin of the automobile is a controversial topic. This is because there have been many claims to the origin of the automobile that go against the accepted fact. Karl Benz, a German engineer, is the one accredited with the invention of the modern automobile. He received his patent in 1886 but there are people that claim they invented the automobile before then like a Frenchman by the last name of Delamare-Deboutteville, who claimed he built the first car in 1884. There were even others that claimed that the first car was built in 1860. Now you can see why i said it was a controversial topic. One thing is for certain though, it was not Henry Ford who invented the first automobile (contrary to popular belief). Ford was simply able to successfully perfect the production line with the Model T.

Benz Patent Motorwagen:

Ford Model T:

In my opinion, automobiles are one of the best inventions ever! I know that's subjective but think about, what would you do in today's society here in America without a car? Maybe not having a car would be acceptable in a small town in Italy or something of that sort where you dont have to travel long distances to get things you need but the way cities and the infrastructure in America in general is set up today with the nearest pharmacy or supermarket being miles away, highways, interstates, etc. it would be impossible to get around without a vehicle.

I hope you learned something you didn't already know about the origin of the automobile. Check back for updates.


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