Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Race and Class in Automotive Culture

In today's world, automotive culture is greatly affected by race and class. Race simply sets stereotypes but class defines where people fit into that world. Now, i will go ahead say that if you happen to feel insulted by the following race stereotypes of the car world, i did not mean to portray derogatory behavior, they are just stereotypes that are common in our culture today through tv, movies, etc.

The race stereotypes i wanted to get into this post are the "White Americans love muscler cars"...

"Latinos love lowriders"...

and "African Americans love pimped cars."

You all have seen those stereotypes before right? Moving on to class in automotive culture. Unfortunately, class has a large impact in this area simply because cars are expensive. As well as anything that has to do with getting involved in racing, show cars, or anything of sort is also very expensive. The reason for high costs in cars is because of the fact that there are technological advancements in the automotive world every day and cars are very complex machines. If you think about it, cars are probably one of the few things out there that require so many different professional fields for development. Engineers of every kind, artists, etc are all important for car manufacturers. Another expensive aspect of the automotive world is maintenance of collectible cars or classics like the first ever Porsche or Ford. There really is nothing we can do about it but it just comes down to the fact that someone who is lower class is not going to be able to afford the same car as somebody who is higher class.

I hope you guys found this post interesting. Please check back for updates.


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